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Felix Boyd would do anything for his family, even if it means leaving them for a job on another planet . . .Working as a silica harvester, he earns just enough money to keep his wife and son afloat. When selection for the colony ships begins, he hopes Melissa and Jake will be among the first to come, and that they’ll all be reunited.


But it’s never that easy.


Jake’s lifelong illness leaves him needing new lungs, and he’s ineligible for the trip. Now, they’re on a tight schedule as Earth is thrown into the grip of a deadly virus. They must overcome the surgery and recovery because if they aren’t ready by launch, they’ll miss their chance forever. Felix struggles with finances, with separation, with overcoming sacrifices. He hopes that soon he’ll have the money for his little boy’s surgery.


And that Jake and Melissa will join him before all contact with Earth is lost . . .

Breath of Mars (paperback, signed)

SKU: BoMpaperback
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  • * Paperback

    * Sci-Fil/Family Drama

    * 302 pages

    * Dimensions: 6 x 9

    * Weight: 1.15 lbs.

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